Anchor Pacific

Client: Fonterra (Anchor)
Company: Pasifika Communications Limited
Role: Social Media Manager & Project Manager
Year: 2017

As part of the “Goodness Feeds Greatness” campaign to improve Anchor’s brand presence in the Pacific, Fonterra tasked Pasifika with setting up and running a Facebook social media page.

I was the lead person for the proposal, management of the page, client liaison and content creation.

The page launched May 2017 in Fiji and then branched out to cater to Samoa, Tonga and Papua New Guinea. Content needed to be tailored to the different countries and monitored.

Social Media Competitions

As part of managing the page and engaging people I ran numerous competitions on the page.

Anchor Challenge

This challenge not only encouraged the purchasing of Anchor Milk, but also engaged locals to time and film themselves drinking a whole 1 litre carton of Anchor Milk in one go.

This challenge was fun, different and had people nominating others to compete.

What is Greatness?

I ran a competition where people could submit stories of greatness in order to go into a draw to win Anchor Hampers each week. We received numerous stories that were inspiring and touching.

Unique Video Content Creation

A Word with Mili

Once the campaign launched in Fiji, we wanted to create content that explained who Mili was and why she was chosen to be a brand ambassador for Anchor in the Pacific.

I filmed an informal interview with her and created a range of clips in which she spoke about herself and achievements.

Mili Visits the Home of Anchor

The Pasifika Team took Mili to visit Fonterra in Auckland to meet the organisation she was a brand ambassador for and also to give her a chance to learn more about what they do.

I documented the whole trip using a GoPro and edited a series of videos for social media content use.

Mili’s X-Mas Recipe

To encourage more sales over Christmas the team and I created a series of recipe videos that used Anchor products for the ingredients.

I pitched, wrote scripts, did the production planning and directed.